
Melek Zeynep Bulut’s work receives award in London for Symbolic Monument

Melek Zeynep Bulut’s artwork, titled ‘Açık Yapıt’ (Open Work), representing Türkiye at the London Design Biennale, has won the Public Award, symbolizing an ironic monument.

The artwork was selected from 47 countries and various universities.

‘Açık Yapıt,’ a performative and experimental spatial composition by Melek Zeynep Bulut, was exhibited at Somerset House during the London Design Biennale from June 1 to 25, 2023.

After receiving the award, Melek Zeynep Bulut stated, “Açık Yapıt was an ancient abstraction against all the rigidity we call the world, all teachings that confine humans to mere bodies, and all boundaries that create ‘the other.’

It was a receptacle aiming to see beyond matter and its physical form. It was beloved by visitors throughout the exhibition and brought the 2023 London Design Biennale Public Award to our country. Of course, we are very happy. I hope it opens up paths for many others.”

‘Açık Yapıt,’ revolving around metaphors of thresholds and transformations, is a performative space that presents theatrical transitions. It focuses on the meanings of power, boundary-setting, and the representation of social hierarchies throughout human history. With its movable and sonorous surfaces, which function like an instrument, the artwork interacts with visitors, transforming them into part of the installation.

‘Açık Yapıt’ offers an experiential journey through perception and matter, basing its foundations on the concepts of doors, passages, and thresholds. Instead of becoming a fixed form, it avoids the creation of walls or corridors, emphasizing the representation of an open encounter. Established forms throughout human history are discussed within the context of ‘Açık Yapıt,’ engaging in dialogue with visitors.